FIZIKA A, Vol. 4

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FIZIKA A Volume 4 - 1995 Masthead

Contents, FIZIKA A, Volume 4 (1995)

No 1

Sujata Bhattacharyya:
Charge signature on ionization-excitation of He by fast projectiles
Zeinab S. El-Mandouh, Mohamed El-Shabasy:
Transport properties of PbTe9.7Sb0.3 thin films
Kamakhya P. Ghatak and Shambhu N. Banik:
Influence of crossed electric and quantizing magnetic fields on the effective electron mass in semiconductor superlattices
Hamdia A. Zayed:
Physical properties of d-Bi2O3thin films
Tawfick H. Youssef, Fardos A. Saadalah and Isis K. Bishay:
Tensile and electrical properties of Al-Si alloys under combined torsion-tension deformation
Mirko Stubičar, Antun Tonejc and Nada Stubičar:
X-ray diffraction study of W-B elemental powder mixtures after high-energy ball-milling
Ivan Antonov, Jerzy M. Mucha, Lyudmil Vatskitchev and Maria Vatskitcheva:
Two-domain model of magnetization in thin discs with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy

No 2

Genichi Horikoshi:
Leak detection limit of counter-flow type leak detector
Petr Repa and Ladislav Peksa:
Improved Becker's friction vacuum gauge
Petr Repa:
Gas release from mechanically affected metals
Bogdan Adamczyk and Leszek Michalak:
Optical simulation of effusion molecular beams
Lidija I. Belič and Alenka S. Kosmos:
Synthesis reactions and thermodynamics of compound formation during MoMn layer sintering
Andrej Pregelj, Marjan Drab and Janez Slokan:
Anaerobic glue for making joints in vacuum technique
John L. Robins:
Coincidence techniques in atomic and surface analysis spectroscopy.
László Kövér:
Chemical and solid state effects on Auger processes
Iva Stará and Vladimír Matolín:
Molecular beam study of oxygen chemisorption on g-alumina supported Pd particles
Vladimir Zhukov, Klaus D. Rendulic and Adolf Winkler:
Interaction of H2(D2) and potassium with Ag(111) and Ag(110)
Vladimír Matolín:
RHEED and TPD studies of the effect of particle size on CO desorption from Al2O2 supported Pd and Rh model catalysts
Jozef Osvald, Karol Hricovini, Guy Le Lay and Viktor Yu. Aristov:
Pb/Si(111)1×1-H Schottky barrier height
Daniel Rajniak, Ladislav Harmatha, Milan Ziska, Otto Csabay and Viera Dubravcová:
Properties of multilayer materials irradiated by high neutron fluences
Jozef Brcka, Aleksander Satka, Jaroslava Skriniarová, Vladimir Tvarozek and Peter Vronský:
Dry and wet etching of AIIIBV materials for optoelectronics devices
Szilárd Varga and Károly Somogyi:
Properties of GaAs epitaxial layers grown in water vapour assisted transport process
Branko Pivac, Boris Rakvin, Alessandro Borghesi and Adele Sassella:
EPR study of hydrogen-rich silicon oxynitride films
Nikola Radic and Davor Gracin:
Binary amorphous alloys of refractory transition metals and good electric conducting metals
Eva Majkova, Matej Jergel, Rudolf Senderak, Stefan Luby and Miroslav Babinsky:
Thermal stability of W1-xSix/Si multilayers for X-ray optics
Elzhieta Czerwosz, Przemystaw Byszewski, Piotr Dluzewski, Halina Wronka, Ryszard Diduszko, Joanna Radomska and Mirostaw Kozlowski:
Preparation and characterization of C60/C70+Ni polycrystalline thin film grown on different substrates
Hrvoje Zorc:
Strategy of design of sophisticated optical multilayers
Vladimir Zhukov, Andreas Ferstl and Klaus D. Rendulic:
Interaction of nitrogen with the Ni(111) plane
Wojciech Lisowski and Ryszard Dus:
Interaction of oxygen and water-vapour with clean and hydrogen-precovered thin iron films studied by surface potential measurements
Horst Ebel, Robert Svagera and Roland Kaitna:
Depth profiling by means of total electron yield measurements
Karel Masek, Václav Nehasil and Vladimír Matolín:
RHEED study of Au/KCl system for estimation of the dependence of diffraction spot profiles on the particle size
Ewa Nowicka, Zbigniew Wolfram, Wojciech Lisowski and Ryszard Dus:
Atomic deuterium emission from palladium deuteride PdDy surface
Jadran Macek and Andrej Degen:
Preparation of nickel powders in nonaqueous media
Leszek Stobinski and Ryszard Dus:
Atomic hydrogen adsorption detector.
Leszek Michalak, Femia G. Hopwood, David S. Alderdice, Keith J. Fisher and Gary D. Willett:
C60 assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry
Davor Gracin, Nikola Radić, Uroš V. Desnica, Željko Andreić and Davor Balzar:
Thermal stability of amorphous silicon-carbon alloys deposited by magnetron source
Ivan Hotovy, Jozef Brcka and Jozef Huran:
Investigation of reactively sputtered NbN films
Jindrich Musil, Vlastimil Jezek, Marcel Benda, Milan Kubásek, Dagmar Jandová and Jaroslav Vlcek:
Structure and surface morphology of sputtered polycrystalline and nanocrystalline Ti films
Jindrich Musil, Albert J. Bell, Antonín Rajský, Milan Cepera and Jaroslav Zeman:
Effect of deposition rate on the structure and resistivity of sputtered Ti films
Jaroslav Sobota:
Friction characteristics of r. f. magnetron sputtered C and C:N thin films
Vladimir Tvarozek, Tibor Hianik, Viktor I. Passechnik, Ivan Novotny and Vlastimil Rehacek:
Thin-film support for lipid bilayers
Károly Somogyi and György Sáfrán:
Properties of vacuum deposited Ag2Se thin layers
Rudolf Hrach and Nguyen Le Huong:
Morphological description of composite films
Bruno Cvikl, Tomo Mrđen, Matjaž Koželj and Dean Korošak:
Preliminary investigation of Ag/N-Si(111) Schottky photodiode prepared by ionized-cluster-beam deposition
Christine Robert, Bernard Gruzza, Luc Bideux, György Gergely, Miklós Menyhárd and Éva Vázsonyi:
Elastic reflection spectra on porous p-TYPE silicon layer (PSL) surface
Bruno Cvikl and Tomo Mrđen:
I-V characteristics of ionized cluster beam deposited Ag/N-Si(111) Schottky diode
Jadran Maček and Marjan Marinšek:
A study of nickel zirconia composite materials prepared by gel precipitation method in nonaqueous media
Károly Somogyi, Szilárd Varga, Chantal Grattepain and László Dobos:
Selectively etched series of p-n junctions in GaAs
Tibor Lalinský, Josef Osvald and Zelimira Mozolová:
Ir-Al bimetallic Schottky contact systems on GaAs
Viera Dubravcová and Jozef Ivan:
Measurement of desorption from the polycrystalline layer of TiO2 in incandescent lamps
Pavel Hedbávný, Petr Stovícek, Lothar Siegert and Peter Müller:
Vacuum deposition system for ion-beam-assisted coating technologies
Visnja Henč-Bartolić, Željko Andreić, Davor Gracin, Hans-J. Kunze and Mirko Stubičar:
Nitrogen laser beam interaction with titanium surface

No 3

Željka Mioković, Hrvoje Skenderović and Vladis Vujnović:
Branching ratios and transition probabilities of mercury visible triplet spectral lines
Čedomil Vadla and Vlasta Horvatić:
The 6s5d  1D2R 6s5d  3DJ excitation energy transfer in Barium induced by collisions with He, Ar and Xe atoms
Mladen Paić:
Analysis of the shapes of Kubelka-Munk spectral functions of superionic conductors CuI, AgI, Cu2HgI4 amd Ag2HgI4 in a wide temperature range
Davor Dužević, Mirko Stubičar, Ognjen Milat, Antun Tonejc, Rudolf Trojko, Nada Stubičar, Ivica Anić and Mirko Stanković:
Study of the deamalgamation process in silver-tin-base amalgams
Srećko Kilić:
Elementary excitation interactions in bose fluids in the Bogoliubov approximation
Stjepan Sabolek and Stanislav Zrnčić:
Study of the position of the domain wall pinning centres within the Co70.3Fe4.7Si15B10 amorphous ribbons
Dinko Babić, Boran Leontić and Jovica Ivkov:
Two-dimensional vortex plasma in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox single crystals in the vicinity of TC
Igor Ukrainczyk and Antonije Dulčić:
Interpretation of microwave magnetoresistance above and below TC  in a single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-d superconductor
Stanko Popović, Biserka Gržeta, Hans Löffler and Gottfried Wendrock:
Lattice constant of Al-rich a-phase in equilibrium with different precipitates in Al-Zn alloys
Natko B. Urli and Vladimir S. Ban:
Carrier traps in graded InGaAs photodiodes with high Indium content
Emil Babić, Ivica Kušević, Krešo Zadro, Jovica Ivkov, Željko Marohnić, Đuro Drobac, Mladen Prester, Hua Kun Liu, Shi Xue Dou, Dragana Todorović-Marinić and Ahmed Kuršumović:
Superconductivity in Bi 2223 compound: physics and potential applications
Jovica Ivkov:
The Hall effect in amorphous alloys of early and late transition metals
Ognjen Milat:
An electron microscopy study of the "chain''-layer ordering in the YBCO-type high- TC  superconductors
Nazif Demoli, Uwe Dahms, Bernd Haage, Günther Wernicke and Hartmut Gruber:
Liquid crystal television based joint transform correlator for cuneiform inscription recognition
Davor Pavuna, Andrea Gauzzi:
Homogeneous lattice disorder and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O6.9 films
Egvin Girt, Redžep Baltić, Erol Girt, Gordana Knežević and Tatjana Mihač:
Investigation of the relaxation process of early metastable states of the Fe40Ni40Si14B6 system
Ramir Ristić:
Superconductivity and room temperature coefficient of resistance in Zr-3d glassy alloys
Ivan Kokanović, Boran Leontić and Jagoda Lukatela:
Influence of hydrogen on the superconducting and the paramagnetic properties of some Zr-3d metallic glasses
Ivan Budimir:
Synthesis of BISCO monocrystal (2212) and measurements of some transport properties
Dubravka Krilov, Krešimir Sanković, Tatjana Pranjić-Petrović and Janko N. Herak:
Fine phenomena in the EPR spectra of the hole-like paramagnetic centre in cytosine hydrochloride
Magdy Lučić Lavčević and Zvonko Ogorelec:
Mechanical strain and structural phase transition in small particles
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