FIZIKA A 4 (1995) 3, 591-598 HOMOGENEOUS LATTICE DISORDER AND SUPERCONDUCTING PROPERTIES OF YBa2Cu3O6.9 FILMSDAVOR PAVUNA and ANDREA GAUZZI Dedicated to Professor Mladen Pai� on the occasion of his 90th birthdayReceived 27 June 1995We discuss the striking changes of the superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O6.9 films to the homogeneous lattice disorder, induced by varying growth temperatures: Tc decreases with increasing disorder, while the width of the resistive transition and the normal state resistivity increase. We estimate the length scale of such dis- order from the broadening DJ of the < 005 > X-ray diffraction rocking curves. The suppression of superconductivity and normal conductivity scales as DJ and appears for in-plane lattice coherence lengths rc � 1/DJ smaller than about 10 nm. UDC 538.945, 539.213
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