FIZIKA A 4 (1995) 2, 389-395 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF Ag/n-Si(111) SCHOTTKY PHOTODIODE PREPARED BY IONIZED-CLUSTER-BEAM DEPOSITIONBRUNO CVIKL, TOMO MR�EN, MATJA� KO�ELJ and DEAN KORO�AK Received 7 April 1995Photocharacteristics in the visible region of Ag/n-Si(111) Schottky photodiode, prepared by ionized-cluster-beam deposition for Ag+ acceleration voltage equal to zero, have been measured. High quantum efficiency (up to 85%) and responsitivity of 0.35 A/W, when operating in the reversed bias regime, was observed. For low reverse voltages Vr < 1 V, the photocurrent measurements exhibit strong, unusual voltage dependence of the depletion layer width. The I-V data in this regime could be well fitted by an expression proportional to 1-exp(-KVr3), where K is a wavelength dependent constant. No satisfactory explanation of the observations could be presently provided. UDC 538.93
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