FIZIKA A, Vol. 1

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FIZIKA A - Volume 1 - 1992Masthead

Contents, FIZIKA A, Volume 1 (1992)

No 1

Life and work of Ivan Supek:
Summary of talks at the Symposium
V. Pavletić:
A modern renaissance personality of Ivan Supek
D. Tadić:
Ivan Supek and theoretical physics in Zagreb
Sir R. Peierls, F.R.S.:
People in the early days of quantum mechanics
P. Budinch:
The role of prejudice in science.
K. Ljolje:
Reminiscences of my work with professor Supek
I. Kokanović, B. Leontić and J. Lukatela:
The use of hydrogen as a probe to study quantum interference at defects in metallic glasses
E. Babić, M. Prester, D. Babić, Ž. Marohnić and Đ. Drobac:
Homogeneity and percolation in ceramic high temperature superconductors
V. Šips and D. Šokčević:
Oscillations in multi-component dense plasma
D. Jelčić and A. Bjeliš:
Dynamical dislocation lines in the charge density wave systems

No 2

W. Z. Soliman:
Effect of electron-irradiation on electron-beam evaporated GaAs films
K. P. Ghatak, M. Mondal:
On a simple analysis of the Burstein-Moss shift in quantum confined structures of ternary and quaternary compounds
S. Kilić:
Ground state energy of many-body Fermi system by using Feenberg perturbation theory
R. Ristić:
Electrical transport in glassy Zr-3d alloys
S. Sabolek, E. Babić and K. Zadro:
The origin of the reduction of loss in current-carrying ferromagnets
M. Apostol:
On the lattice thermoconductivity of an ideal crystal

No 3

S.N. Tiwary:
Structure in the differential cross sections for the excitation of 1s2se R 2s2se transition in H by electron impact at 1 Rydberg
A.H. Eid, S. Mahmoud and M.M. Sayed:
Optical properties of cadmium telluride thin film in the infrared region
K.P. Ghatak:
On the electric susceptibility mass in A3IIB2V semiconductors in the presence of an arbitrarily oriented quantizing magnetic field
K.P. Ghatak:
The thermoelectric power in quantum dots of semimetals under large magnetic field
G.C. Kostakis and C.G. Kostakis:
Contribution to the evaluation of the tension of polymeric chains with junctions
M. Apostol:
On the non-thermal relaxation time in the magnetic quantum tunneling
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