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FIZIKA A Volume 6 - 1997

Contents, FIZIKA A, Volume 6 (1997)
No 1
Damir veža and Slobodan Milošević:
- Spectroscopic study of the laser produced dysprosium plasmas
Mirna Galešić, Đurđica Težak, Marijan Tudja, Nikola Ljubešić
and Vesna Babić-Ivančić:
- Characterization of lyotropic liquid crystalline phases by transmission-, and scanning
electron microscopy
Ivica Kušević, Emil Babić, Perica Šimundić, Jovica Ivkov,
Željko Marohnić, Hua Kun Liu and Shi Xue Dou:
- Thermal influence on Jc-B-T surfaces of Ag-clad Bi-based superconducting
Ivan Kokanović, Boran Leontić, Jagoda Lukatela, Denis Dujmić and
Milko Jakšić:
- Evaluation of effects of nanoscale inhomogeneities on the superconducting transition
temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr-Co metallic glasses
Davor Balzar, Peter W. Stephens and And Hassel Ledbetter:
- Synchrotron X-ray diffraction line profile
Ognjen Milat and Ivica Aviani:
- (Ba/Sr)O-BI-layer ordering in the RE2(Ba/Sr)2GaCu2O9
superconducting cuprate
No 2
Vitaliy Gerasimov and Vladimir Mitsa:
- Concentration profiles of elements and structure of a-Si1-xNx:H
Sukanya Burman and Asesh Roy Chowdhury:
- A Riemann-Hilbert approach to polarized solitons in a three-level medium
Aleksandra Turković, Anđelka Tonejc, Stanko Popović, Pavo
Dubček, Mile Ivanda, Svetozar Musić and Marijan Gotić:
- Transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering studies of
nanophase TiO2
L. A. Bulavin, D. A. Gavrushenko and V. M. Sysoev:
- Non-uniform liquid in external field
Višnja Henč-Bartolić, Željko Andreić, Davor Gracin,
Hans-Joachim Kunze and Mirko Stubičar:
- Silicon surface irradiated by nitrogen laser radiation
No 3
Xu Zhangcheng, Guo Changlin and Zhao Zongyan:
- The relationship between the anomalous transmission and the negative extinction in the
Bragg case
S. Mahmoud, A. H. Eid and And H. Omar:
- Optical characteristics of bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3) thin films
Đorđe Mandrino and V. Marinković:
- TEM and TED investigation of Ag/PbTe thin film bilayers
Emil Barna, Vania Covlea, Costel Biloiu, Marian Bazavan and Catalin
Mihai Ticos:
- Ionization waves in the medium pressure helium and neon plasma
Saliendra N. Paul, Shankar Chattopadhyay and Kamal K.Ghosh:
- Higher-order contribution to the ion-acoustic soliton in a drift negative-ion plasma
No 4
S. Bhattacharyya, A. Roy, S. Mitra:
- Radiative recombination of cold electron with proton and deuteron
Ticijana Ban, Hrvoje Skenderović, Bojan Resan and Goran Pichler:
- Laser induced fluorescence of Li2 A 1Su+
Siham Mahmoud and Abdel-hamid Eid:
- Some studies on chemically and thermally prepared CuInS2 films
Laila. I. Soliman and Alaa M. Ibrahim:
- Determination of optical constants of thermally evaporated CdSxSe1-x
thin films using only transmission spectra
Emil Barna, Vania Covlea, Costel Biloiu and Emil Toader:
- Measurements of the transition current from normal to abnormal neon glow discharge