FIZIKA A 4 (1995) 3, 561-570 THE HALL EFFECT IN AMORPHOUS ALLOYS OF EARLY AND LATE TRANSITION METALSJOVICA IVKOV Dedicated to Professor Mladen Pai� on the occasion of his 90th birthdayReceived 16 June 1995We present a detailed analysis of the available data for the Hall effect and its dependence on composition, electrical resistivity and temperature in disordered alloys of early and late transition metals. The systems analysed include amorphous binary Zr-(Co,Ni,Cu), Ta-Ni, Ti-Cu, W-Cu and ternary TE-TL-M alloys (TE = Zr or Ti, TL = Ni or Cu and M = Al or Ga). The results for amorphous La-Ga and liquid Ce-Cu alloys are also included. The dependence of the Hall coefficient on composition, electrical resistivity and temperature indicate that the Hall effect in these systems consists of the normal and anomalous (magnetic) Hall effects that are almost of the same order of magnitude. It is shown that the anomalous contribution is the cause why the Hall effect becomes positive for early transition metal rich amorphous alloys. UDC 538.93
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