FIZIKA A 4 (1995) 2, 439-443 MEASUREMENT OF DESORPTION FROM THE POLYCRYSTALLINE LAYER OF TiO2 IN INCANDESCENT LAMPSVIERA DUBRAVCOVA and JOZEF IVAN* Received 3 July 1995The pressure increase due to the desorption was measured in closed vacuum systems of incandescent lamps with tungsten filament. The inside surface of the glass bulbs was covered with light diffusing layer of TiO2. Pressure differences were measured in clear lamps and lamps frosted with TiO2. Desorption was stimulated by increasing the temperature for fixed intervals of time. Pressure was determined from the filament I-V characteristics that were transformed to a linear plot. At 210 �C, desorption was approximately four times higher in TiO2 coated lamps than in clear lamps. UDC 538.971
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