FIZIKA A 4 (1995) 3, 615-622 INFLUENCE OF HYDROGEN ON THE SUPERCONDUCTING AND THE PARAMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF SOME Zr-3d METALLIC GLASSESIVAN KOKANOVI�, BORAN LEONTI� and JAGODA LUKATELAa Dedicated to Professor Mladen Pai� on the occasion of his 90th birthdayReceived 10 July 1995We present the experimental results on the effects of hydrogen doping on the superconducting and paramagnetic properties of zirconium-rich (x > 0.66) Zrx3d1-x metallic glasses. Zr0.70Cu0.30, Zr0.67Ni0.33 and Zr0.67Co0.33 are superconductors with a superconducting transition temperature in the vicinity of 2 K, while Zr0.68Fe0.32 is a paramagnet down to very low temperatures because of pronounced spin-fluctuations. The magnetoresistivity data are analysed using theoretical models of weak location and electron-electron interactions. Doping with hydrogen reduces the superconducting transition temperature in Zr0.70Cu0.30, Zr0.67Ni0.33 and Zr0.67Co0.33 metallic glasses. The magnetoresistivity enhancement of hydrogen-doped Zr0.68Fe0.32 has been attributed to the increase of the Stoner factor, (1-I)-1. That increase indicates an enhancement of spin fluctuations with hydrogen. UDC 537.312, 538.95
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