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FIZIKA A 4 (1995) 2, 263-269
Ru�er Bo�kovi� Institute, P. O. Box 1016, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia
Received 7 April 1995
Revised manuscript received 6 September 1995
The demand for very special optical coatings, having unusual optical characteristics
that have no similarities with the traditional coatings, steadily increases. Typical
examples are colour temperature converters, some types of narrow band reflectors, etc. A
thin-film designer often encounters the very well known problem of the starting design. In
this paper, a strategy of multilayer design is described. Taking an example, the target
function is defined and then the complete design procedure is illustrated. The use of only
two popular optical multilayer materials, namely SiO2 and TiO2 is
assumed. BK7 glass and air are assumed as surrounding media. In all analysed cases, only a
certain number of alternating layers can be assumed as the starting point of the design
procedure. The method of global multilayer design is used in the first step, it is
followed by the Tikhonravov's design method, and finally by the gradient refinement. Other
possible ways and methods are discussed, and some hints are given.
UDC 535.81
PACS 42.15.Eq