FIZIKA A 11 (2002) 1 , 9-30

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A. RUB�I�a, H. ARPb and J. RUB�I�a

aDepartment of Physics, University of Zagreb, Bijeni�ka c. 32, HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia
E-mail addres: [email protected]

bMax-Planck-Institut f�r Astrophysik Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 1,
95740 Garching bei M�nchen, Germany
E-mail addres: [email protected]

Received 8 May 2001 ; revised manuscript received 24 November 2001
Accepted 7 January 2002        Online 25 May 2002

The factor F1.23 has originally been found in the redshift of quasars. Recently, it has been found in very different physical phenomena: the life-time of muonium, the masses of elementary particles (leptons, quarks,...), the correlation of atomic weight (A) and atomic number (Z) and the correlation of the sum of masses of all orbiting bodies with the mass of the central body in gravitational systems.

In this work, we describe further systems where the factor F appears, the distributions of electric charges. We consider the electrostatic interaction between various pairs of charge distributions: two uniformly charged spheres, a point charge and a uniformly charged sphere, two point charges, a point charge and an infinite uniform line charge, two parallel uniform infinite line charges and two infinite parallel plane charge distributions.

PACS numbers: 87.15.Rn, 87.50.-a
UDC 535.217, 539.21

Keywords: factor F = 1.23, distributions of electric charges, electrostatic interaction, two point charges, two parallel uniform infinite line charges, point charge and infinite uniform line charge, two infinite parallel plane charge distributions

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