FIZIKA B 8 (1999) 1, 21-28 STRANGE NUCLEAR PHYSICS - A BRIEF STATUS REPORTED V. HUNGERFORDa and MIROSLAV FURIĆb a Department of Physics, University of Houston,
Houston,TX 77204, U. S. A. Received 11 January 1999; Accepted 12 July 1999This paper briefly reviews the present status of strange nuclear physics. Recently, significant progress has been made. One example to be discussed is a new, electroproduction experiment which offers the possibility of obtaining hypernuclear spectra with at least a factor of 3 better resolution than previously. However, many different experiments impact a spectrum of problems from weak interactions to astrophysics. Although in this short paper it is not possible to cover many topics in depth, sufficient information is provided so that the interested reader can obtain all of the most relevant material. PACS numbers: 21.80.+a, 25.20.-x
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