FIZIKA B 7 (1998) 2, 65-72 FRACTAL ANALYSIS OF SUSPENDED PARTICLES IN SEAWATERMLADEN MARTINISa and DUBRAVKO RISOVIĆ ae-mail: [email protected] Received 27 October 1997;revised manuscript received 30 March 1998; Accepted 13 July 1998Light-scattering data of suspended clusters of particles in seawater have been analysed to find some evidence for fractal structure of the scatterers. The behaviour of the scattering intensity I(q) as a function of q suggests that the scattering medium consists of two kinds of particles, large ones, with fractal dimension 1.7 ±0.1, resulting from a regular DLCA growing process, and smaller ones, with a considerably larger fractal dimension 2.7 ±0.4, resulting from a more complex cluster-cluster aggregation process in which low sticking probabilities, restructuring and settling could be present. This conclusion is strongly supported by the I(q) curve which, in a log-log plot, exhibits two well defined linear regions. In interpreting data, it is assumed that the polydispersity of the scatterers is described by a smooth two-component particle-size distribution. The fractal structure of the scatterers is described by the behaviour of the scattering intensity from clusters of different size. PACS numbers: 47.53.+n, 64.60.Cn, 68.70.+w, 92.10.Bf
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