FIZIKA B 5 (1996) 2, 125-134 HEAVY HIGGS BOSON SEARCH IN THE H� ZZ � 4l� CHANNEL IN CMSMILE D�ELALIJA, �ELJKO ANTUNOVI� and RITVA KINNUNEN* Received 29 March 1996We investigate possibilities of search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the H� ZZ � 4l� channel in the upper mass reach in the Compact Muon Solenoid detector (CMS). By using appropriate cuts on the data, it was found that CMS can detect Higgs boson up to the mass of about 750 GeV at � 5 s significance level with the designed integrated luminosity of 105 pb-1. The mass reach extends to about 850 GeV at 3�105 pb-1. UDC 539.12
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