FIZIKA B 3 (1994) 2, 83-92

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Received 27 October 1993
Revised manuscript received 28 January 1994

Author's earlier investigations on gravitational maser model for the QSO suggest that some quasars are feasibly clusters of black holes of masses 10 - 1 M. These black holes are considered to be the compact subunits in the Hoyle-Fowler cluster model for the quasars and the large quasar redshifts are interpreted as significantly intrinsic. Following Bell and Fort the quasars are considered as intermediate distance objects. Utilizing their concept of redshift periodicity, the quasars are conceived as passing through stages of definite redshifts, decreasing in steps of the redshift wavelength. Each stage contains a number of similar black holes which reduce to half their number in the succeeding stages through the appropriate coalescence in pairs. We consider spherical accretion (swallowing of dust) by the constituent black holes and look at the quasar radio luminosity as it should evolve with the black hole's coalescence process and find it in accord with the Bell and Fort conjecture. Assuming reasonable correlation between the radio and optical emission of a quasar, the Bell-Fort absolute magnitude (Mv= - 20.4+1.67 zx) is reasonably justified. The apparent optical magnitude of a quasar should spread over 5 units in agreement with the observation. The high redshift quasars, if assigned as primitive, should be at comparatively closer distances. This is consistent with the theory of Bell and Fort, and also with the analysis by Hoyle, Burbidge and Sargent. This leads to the assesment that quasars are locally born (Arp and Terrell) with very high (intrinsic) redshift and fly apart as they continue de-reddening. Subsequently, we estimate quasar masses, and interpret the collapsed old quasars as massive holes of galactic nuclei (radio galaxies).

UDC 539.12
PACS 98.70J
Copyright by The Croatian Physical Society
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