FIZIKA A 8 (1999) 4 , 215-222

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P. J. FORDa and A. J. WILDEb

aPhysics Department, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom

bCity of Bath College, Bath BA1 1UP, United Kingdom

Dedicated to Professor Boran Leontiæ on the occasion of his 70th birthday

Received 17 January 2000; Accepted 10 April 2000

This paper draws attention to the diminishing number of students studying physics both at schools and universities despite its enormous importance for a modern technological society. One possible reason is that many teachers do not convey fully the fascination and excitement of physics and hence fail to inspire young people. A possible way of overcoming this is to place emphasis on "hands-on'' experimental work which can be carried out using simple and inexpensive materials which are readily available. Examples of this are given.

PACS numbers: 01.40.Gm, 01.50.-i, 01.75.+m
UDC 53.087
Keywords: physics education, decline of the numbers of students
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