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FIZIKA A 8 (1999) 4 , 205-214
DAVOR PAVUNA External collaborator of the Institute of Physics,
Bijenièka 46, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Physics
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne,
Dedicated to Professor Boran Leontiæ on the occasion of his 70th
Received 15 November 1999; revised manuscript received 30 March 2000
Accepted 10 April 2000
Successes of modern physics and consequent technologies have enabled humanity to create
our global village. However, despite their thorough training and proven, useful knowledge,
physicists are nowadays often treated as a relatively inexpensive 'commodity'. Encouraged
by experience of several former students, and by using selected examples, I argue that as
a community we should better 'market' our physics profession that, in addition to its
primary role - rational understanding of nature - provides: i) the most versatile
undergraduate degree, also for those who want to continue studies in management, economy
or bio-medicine; ii) fascinating creative opportunities in advanced research and new
interdisciplinary technologies and iii) often more relevant insight into workings of the
global economy than the 'conventional' economic approach, and especially into smart
venture-investments. All these themes are equally relevant for the Croatian society and
its welfare in the early 21st century.
PACS numbers: 01.75.+m, 01.10.Hx, 89.90.+n
UDC 53.06
Keywords: physics profession, training, useful knowledge, understanding of nature,
advanced research, interdisciplinary technologies, smart venture-investment