FIZIKA A5 (1996) 4, 167-176 PRODUCTION OF 7LiCd FROM Cd+7Li2 (F 1Sg+) REACTIONDAVORKA AZINOVI�, SLOBODAN MILO�EVI� and GORAN PICHLER Received 28 November 1996Blue-green excimer band of 7LiCd was observed as a result of 7Li2(F 1Sg+)+Cd� 7LiCd(2 2P)+Li photochemical reaction. Lithium dimer was excited into F 1Sg+ by using optical-optical double resonance excitation with single dye laser photons in the 615-671 nm range where a number of accidental resonances (X1Sg+� A 1Su+� F1Sg+) occur. The reactivity of the excited gerade state in the formation process of the intermetallic excimers is comparable to reactivity of the ungerade states. UDC 539.19
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