FIZIKA A 5 (1996) 1, 1-10 SATELLITE BANDS IN THE QUASI-STATIC WINGS OF Tl AND In RESONANCE LINES BROADENED BY HgVI�NJA HEN�-BARTOLI�* and GORAN PICHLER Received 6 November 1995Using a high pressure metal-halide discharge lamps, we have measured the spectral positions of the satellite bands in the wings of Tl 535.1 nm and 377.6 nm, and In 451.1 nm and 410.2 nm resonance lines. The satellite bands in the red wings are attributed to the TlHg or InHg excimers, and those appearing in the near blue wings to the Tl2, and In2 molecules. Using the Abel inversion procedure, we obtained the relevant spatial temperature and spectral intensities distributions, from which we have concluded that the red satellite bands are due to the bound portion of the TlHg or InHg excited potentials. UDC 535.33
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